From the family bible of John Chapman, now (2008) in the possession of Robert Carswell, Cincinnati, OH..
The author of the letter is Mr. W. E. Carswell. The letter was written December 6, 1898. Anna Tallulah Chapman Carswell was born 27 October 1845 and died 27 October 1911. She was 53 at this writing.
Jeffersonville, Ga
December 6 1998
Mrs. Ina King,
Balle Church, Ga.
Hon Walter B. Hill of Macon, Ga, says: “Motive
is the desired best temperance paper ever published in Georgia.
“It fills a long desired want for
an organ of our principle, and a means of communication between those interested
in the temperance cause. I welcome it with delight and for the success
of the cause. I consider it almost indispensable.”
Rev. J. R. Gambrell, Ex Pres of Mercer
College, says: “There is no way so cheap and so certain to advance
the cause of temperance as to support Motive. It is a strong and
reliable paper.”
Mr. W. S. Witham of Atlanta, President
of the State Sunday School Association says, “I regard Motive as the best
temperance paper ever published in the south, and only second in the United
States. Let us give it the support it deserves.”
Owing to the expense, which was borne
manly by two persons, it was necessary to discontinue the paper for a time,
but it is now proposed to raise a fund to resume the publication of Motive,
and put it on a firm and financial basis, by which its results for good
can hardly be estimated.
Knowing you to be an interested and
earnest worker for the cause, that you will gladly and promptly comply
with this special request, that you will immediately upon receipt
of this letter:
Enclose 10 cents to the Reverend A.J
Hughes, Lexington, Ga for this fund, and
Write three exact copies of this letter,
making no change except to put the address of a friend at the beginning,
and (to sign your own name at the close, and mail to three of your friends
whom you know to be heartily in sympathy with the temperance cause and
whom you can trust to make this small donation of money and service to
this most important work.
Your neglect to comply with this request might block the whole plan of starting this excellent paper, and relying on your desire to help the cause of temperance to triumph in the south. I therefore urge and trust you to faithfully do your part.
Yours truly,
Mrs. W. E. Carswell
A bill to be entitled an Act to abolish
barrooms, to prohibit the manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating
liquors for beverage purposes; and to provide for its manufacture and sale
for other purposes, to prescribe penalties for the violation of this Act,
and for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by .authority of the
same, that the manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors,
fermented or distilled, is prohibited in this State, except, in the manner
hereinafter provided: provided that nothing in this Act respecting the
manufacture of liquor shall affect any county in which the same is prohibited
by any existing law; and nothing herein respecting the sale or keeping
for sale of intoxicating liquors shall affect or apply to those counties
in which, by local law, or otherwise, the sale of such liquor is prohibited,
but should such
prohibitions of the manufacture or sale
or both of liquors be repealed or otherwise removed, in any of said counties,
then the same shall become subject to the provisions of this Act.
SBC. 2. Be it further enacted, That in any
county in which this Act is applicable, a vendor for intoxicating liquors
for other than beverage purposes .may be appointed upon petition
of a majority of the freeholders to the Grand Jury of the county. He shall
be a person of good moral character, and shall be ineligible to hold any
office for which any election may be held during his tenure of
such appointment and for one year thereafter. He shall give bond to the
ordinary or to the county commissioners in the sum of five thousand
dollars for the observance of all the provisions of this Act, while holding
said appointment during its contiuauce, which
shall be two years, and at the expiration
of that time a successor may be appointed in the manner above prescribed.
Such vendor shall be authorized to purchase any intoxicating liquors, which
have been examined and stamped as pure and unadulterated by the State
chemist, and to sell the same for cash only, and in pints or quarts
singly, at a price sufficient to reimburse the cost thereof, and the actual
expenses of conducting the sale as herein provided, including compensation
to said vendor at a rate to be fixed by the Grand Jury, but without any
profit over and above such actual cost and expenses. Said vendor shall
be under the supervision of
the ordinary or county commissioners, who,
once in every three mouths shall carefully examine his books and records,
and who shall see that the provisions of this Act are faithfully complied
with. Said vendor shall not sell any liquors to any minor or to any person
wholly or partially intoxicated, -or any one whom such vendor knows or
has reasonable cause to believe is a person of intemperate habits, nor
to any person whom such vendor knows or has reasonable cause to believe,
in tends to use or sell such intoxicating liquors, or to furnish them to
others to be used or sold for beverage purposes. Said vendor shall keep
a record of all sales made by him, and of the persons to whom sold,
which record shall be examined by the Grand Jury at each term of
the Superior court, for the purpose ' of ascertaining whether the provisions
of this Act are faithfully complied with, and the Grand Jury shall
order such vendor to desist from selling to any person which appears
their investigation or facts otherwise ascertained
to be purchasing liquors ,or the purpose, of using or "selling or furnishing
the saj-IH i u Rotation of i^e- p.-risions jf this A«,
:-i'- :i. The place al which said \ ndor
luct gird business. shall be sot cpart business >»!>; ij^jntl1 and
door or place of entrance or exit except at
the front of the same; it shall have no
con nection by side doors or otherwise with any adjacent room or structure;
it shall be so constructed and located as to give a full and unobstructed
view of every part of the interior from the street or sidewalk in front
of the same; and such view shall not he obstruced by screens, counters,
or any other arrangement or device; no gaming or betting or any device
therefor shall be permitted in such and no lewd pictures shall be exhibited
upon the walls; it shail be opened only be tween the hours of sunrise and
sunset, and shall be designated by a sign bearing the words "Public Liquor
Store," aud under neath the same, the words, "No Liquors Sold for Beaverage
Purposes." In no case shall the liquors sold therein be drunk on the premises
or within the curtilage. Said store
shall not be kept open nor shall any sales
be made ou Sunday or Christmas day, or any election day.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That no person
shall manufacture any intoxicating liquors in the State until he first
shall have taken an oath before, and given bond to the ordinary or county
commissioners in the sum of five thousand dollars, that he will not sell
the same to any person iu this State except the vendors appointed under
this Act; and no such manufacturer in this State nor any man ufacturer
outside the the State or any agent thereof shall offer for sale or
sell to any such vendors any intoxicating liquors, until'at his expense
he has caused the same to -be exam ined by the State chemist, and until
they have been stamped by him as pure and un
SEC. 5. further enacted, That any place at which liquors are manufactured, kept for sale or sold in violation of the provisions of this Act is hereby declared a nuisance ; and any citizen may apply to the judge of the Superior court tor an injunction to restrain the same.
SEC. 6. In all prosecutions for the violation of this Act, and in all proceedings against nuisances, the payment by any person of the United States Internal Revenue Tax as a re tailer of intoxicating liquours, whether fermented or distilled liquors, or the holding of a receipt for such tax shall be prima facie evidence that such person is engaged in the bus- ness of selling such liquors as a beverage ; and in all such prosecutions or proceedings the general reputation respecting any place where such liquors are alleged to be sold as a beverage mauy be given in evidence—but no conviction shall be had unless such evidence is corroborated by other testimony.
SEC. 7. Be it further inacted, That any person
convicted of violating any of the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and be punished as prescribed in sec tion' 4SI0 of the
Code ; and for any second of fense the punishment shall be imprisonment
in one of the modes provided in that section. , SBC. 8. This Act shall
take effect, with re spect to all State, county and municipal li censes
for the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors, in existence at the
time of the passage of this Act, immediately upon their expiration ; but
no such license shall be granted or issued after the passage of this
SEC. 9. The word "person" wherever used in this Act shall be held to include corporations, wherever the provisions are applicable to both persons or Corporations.
SEC. 10. This statute being intended for
the suppression of public eviis, in the exercise of the police power of
the Stjte, it is lureby de-j
dared as the i-jicntiou of '' ? Generr.l
bly that a liberal construct' ï-sc' ed from a strict constructi to
all its provisi as and ii
11. Ml h -A
Dear Sir and Brother:
At a meeting of the State Executive Committee at Atlanta February 6th, it was agreed:
1st, That the prohibitionist of Georgia ought
to continue to press for the passage of the Anti-Barroom Bill. The prestige
given to the move by
a mighty vote of 75 to 62 in the last House
of Representatives, the tremendous petition rolled up in its favor, the
wonderful unanimity of senti
ment in its support by the temperance people
of the State—all indicate that we should concentrate our efforts on this
2nd, That we should appeal to the friends of the Bill in all the" counties to endeavor to elect members to the next General Assembly who will agree to vote for the Bill, and to begin immediately to work to this end.
Already candidates are being suggested, and
now is the time to let it be known that the friends of the Anti-Barroom
Bill will vote for no man
who will not promise to support that measure.
The situation differs so considerably in
various connues that the State Executive Committee does not undertake to
suggest methods of action.
The best methods in each county can best
be determined by the wise friends of the Bill locally. The object
of this com municatieips merely to
urge that these friends take the matter
into immediate consideration and decide upon the best plan of securing
the election of such Senators and
Representatives as will favor the Bill.
The Bill could be passed by the votes of
those who will bbe elected from the "dry" counties alone. In these counties
the political power of
the barroom lias been broken—the people
have expressed their opinion in the action by which the barroom has been
outlawed—why cannot the peo
ple rightfully insist and easily secure
the promise of the Representatives to vote for the Bill? Justice to these
counties demands the passage of the
Bill; because all the difficulties of enforcing
local prohibition come from contiguous liquor towns and cities. And there
are many "wet" counties
in which the friends of this Bill can secure
the nomination and election ef legislators favorable to it.
We confidently expect the next General Assembly
will redeem Georgia from the rule and ruin of barrooms. Lets us work together
for a
share in this glorious consummation.
C. R. PRINGLE, President.
W. B. HILL, 1st Vice-Président.
J. B. GAJIBRELL, 2d Vice-Président.
A. J. HUGHES, Superintendent.
Eileen Babb McAdams Copyright 2004